How it works: USB
USB - a standard developed in the mid-nineties for the exchange of data between devices and their power. This protocol is used to connect peripherals to a computer and has replaced several previously developed ports. The standard is approved by several large companies, including IBM, Intel, Microsoft and NEC. In June 2009, the European Commission adopted the micro USB connector as the standard for charging smartphones manufactured by 14 major manufacturers.

USB is used to connect flash Any drives, hard drives, sound cards, speakers, microphones, MIDI keyboards, WiFi adapters, modems, keyboards, mice, joysticks, webcams, printers, card readers, optical drives and other equipment, as well as for charging batteries and powering low-power devices. Microsoft introduced USB support in Windows 98, Apple at the beginning of the century tried to promote the FireWire standard, but subsequently preferred USB, and in some products uses its development - the Lightning interface based on USB 2.0 and several proprietary protocols.
USB 1.x was officially approved at the beginning of 1996. It provided for the exchange of data at two speeds: low - up to 1.5 Mbps and high - up to 12 Mbps. In 1998, the standard was updated to version 1.1, which eliminated some problems of the first version.
USB 2.0 was approved on April-2000 and is by far the most common. Theoretically, the maximum data exchange rate has grown to 480 Mbps; in real life, it rarely exceeds 280 Mbps. The voltage supplied through the board is 5 V at a current of 150 or 500 mA.
Up to version 2.0, the USB cable contains four conductors, two of which are used to transfer data, the other two to supply power to the peripheral device. Usually, the cable is shielded.
The USB 3.0 standard was approved in 2008, in it, the data transfer speed is increased to 5 Gb / s, and the current strength is up to 900 mA. The USB 3.0 cable uses nine conductors: two for power and seven for data transfer. The standard also received an additional specification for use in chargers - the current strength is 1.5 A, while data transfer is not provided. Usually, the contacts of the USB 3.0 port are located on the site in blue.
In 2013, the USB 3.1 standard was approved, in which the theoretical data transfer rate doubled compared to USB 3.0 - up to 10 Gb /s. The standard is backwards compatible with USB 3.0 and 2.0. The current strength at a voltage of 5 V is increased to 2 A, a power supply with a current strength of 5 A at a voltage of 12 and 20 V is also provided.
How To Install
Most often, external USB-powered devices support hot-plugging and unplugging, which is achieved by shorting the grounding contacts and, as a result, there is no potential difference between the cases.
Data is transferred between the USB host and the USB peripheral device via a software-controlled USB controller. Data is transmitted in short question-and-answer packets. Packets simultaneously go in both directions, while the controller does not wait for confirmation of their delivery, which ensures data exchange with high speed. Packets can be transmitted both with a delivery guarantee (for example, in input devices) and without it (when transmitting video and sound).
There are several types of connectors for connecting devices to the USB port; they differ in size, design and pin arrangement. There are both standard connectors and proprietary, limited to use in the products of a company. Non-standard connectors can be used to transfer additional information - for example, when using a telephone headset.
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